Grrrrrrrrrr the van is messing up again. I took one of the boys to youth group and was afraid we weren't going to make it back home. But we did!!!! FT was real excited and told his dad all about it.....Pop POP pop!!!! While his little hands went wild. I had plans of taking the camera with me but forgot it. Too bad to because while we waited a hummingbird was within 2 feet of us! It was so cool the window was down but with the van still I guess he didn't notice the two crazy people watching him. We also had a cute little inch worm crawling on the van. I called my mom while we waiting and made the mistake of saying the word "scared" so FT freaked and said, "me scared take me home." Poor little dude! I was tired of waiting anyway so we went and got big brother and left.Since I didn't have the camera here is an old one of the mouse nest that DH blamed the last problem on....
Funny how sensitive they are to what we say and feel - I once mentioned near Katie that I don't like mushrooms and ever since she's refused to eat them...
They hear everything and tuck it into their little minds, that's for sure!
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